
Posted on March 14, 2011 by


A fellow artist, colleague, homeboy, student, net narrator, musician buddy has focused and put a lot of effort into something that again, i get, but dont get but then again…get…anyway hes got a pretty legit Blog, literally will help you visualize through auditory and visual representation of what this is all about …not so much walking you through concepts..no none of that..but more like you give the walking tour of a hyper real realm. He’s telling a story, you listen, you watch, you realize… its a little like this.

A concept I was introduced many moons, light minutes, daily eons and the years of a half decade, well..recently. Before that, this term, was not something I was familiar with. Still am kind of fuzzy on the details but i dont really need to fully grasp something before I start running with it. I figure ill get it soon enough. Briefly:

Most aspects of hyperreality can be thought of as “reality by proxy.” Some examples are simpler: the McDonald’s “M” arches allegedly make the material promise of endless amounts of identical food from the store, when in “reality” the “M” represents nothing, and the food produced is neither identical nor infinite, as a person would expect from a fast food restaurant.[1]

Baudrillard in particular suggests that the world we live in has been replaced by a copy world, where we seek simulated stimuli and nothing more. Baudrillard borrows, from Jorge Luis Borges’ “On Exactitude in Science” (who already borrowed from Lewis Carroll), the example of a society whose cartographers create a map so detailed that it covers the very things it was designed to represent. When the empire declines, the map fades into the landscape and there is neither the representation nor the real remaining – just the hyperreal. Baudrillard’s idea of hyperreality was heavily influenced by phenomenology, semiotics, and Marshall McLuhan.

Read the REST HERE

Moving away from the academic explanations and walk abouts, AoK’s Hyperreal blog has some really cool artist features and much like this blog, youtube videos for days and enough of something to distract you from what you re doing for a while.