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Full of Bs. As.

July 10, 2011


“Sometimes you eat the bar and other times… know…..” Heard around town. So, im in buenos aires. but you all knew this…err.. now you do. the flight down from Dallas was a little over 2 weeks ago, and was interestingly plot lined with a twist. I sat at the airport bar, flirted with the woman […]

sup fools

June 12, 2011


Another time period has past but im ok with that, why, because im taking a break from technology…..for a little bit..errr some technologies. In part because i like hanging out with folks much more than staring at this 14 inch laptop monitor under a bare bulb in a dark room and because i think i […]

Post Rapture

May 23, 2011


The beard has gotten out of hand. Its probably been one of the few things i have fully committed to keeping or doing, in a really long time. I decided to take a picture. It lasts longer, errr until the REAL rapture comes around. Two things. or maybe a few things. depending on hows this […]

Tabs open

April 12, 2011


Dope Song open letter to blogging, I realized I post more on facebook and other general peer 2 peer communication services than i do to this beauty. Staying true to the blog I do my best to post. I (the founder) don’t do the reflecting thing to often and if i do ..I dont think […]

SuperJail YES!

April 5, 2011


One of my favorite dark cartoons that apparently has been on hiatus for a few years now…is back for a second season. I guess it had a cult following much like the early Family guy seasons that were cut short in the early 2000’s only to be brought back. By popular demand no less. READ […]

Someones good time

April 4, 2011


The featured image is a little gem I found right outside my house just a few feet from the sidewalk, where I wait for the bus. If im lucky, especially on mondays…I find gems like this. At least someones having a good time…protected and under the influence no less. I had a good weekend, no […]

Quit and Crossbow

March 29, 2011


This is how you should go out, if and when you get fired…Please quit accordingly. And in this video…it shows how you how to turn your ordinary christmas tree, one you would discard after the season no less, into a deadly cross bow. i had trouble deciding which to put ahead of which. Im ok […]

James Brown HOWL

March 25, 2011


Just a good friday song. I mean its not for the working for the weekend types, you know..counting down the minutes til it hits 5 pm and straight do da local pub, “4 zimas for me and my buds, and keep em coming!” nah this is just some good hard shit! Give it up turn […]

Macaframa Salute

March 23, 2011


Finally realizing I took good weather for granted and with some time …again..some time to spare, I decided to bust out the old 5 speed Univega and trek out the good city, our nations capital, DC. Im not here to front but you definitely get a different feel of the place you live in when […]


March 22, 2011


I want that van. I was always kind of a van guy, but on the fence. Now ..give me this epic van. VANDORA Other note, while perusing the net I found this onFECAL FACE JORGE RODRIGUEZ GERADA NYC 1994 Pretty legit artist that was piecing on street signs and billboards. In recent years hes been […]